Nemški obrambni minister Thomas de Maizière brani načrte za nakup bojnih brezpilotnih letal v Nemčiji.
Der Spiegel, ki nasprotuje načrtom, poroča:
"In civilised states which respect even the dignity of their enemies, criminals are arrested rather than shot before trial. … Officers who work with such weapons are not fighting enemies called North Korea or Somalia, the enemy is here is called Osama Bin Laden or Herr Müller. The hunt for Herr Müller is no longer confined to the battlefields, Citizen Müller can’t feel safe anywhere in the world; a remote-control drone operated by German army officers will find him and if necessary liquidate him as a preventive measure. And it can’t even be ruled out that one of Maizière’s new killing machines won’t execute the suspected terrorist on his own doorstep. … In this era of modern warfare the constitution’s old guarantee of respect for human dignity no longer seems inviolable."
Več v rubriki:
– Raziskovalni projekti: Tehnično okrepljeno nadzorovanje in boj zoper kriminaliteto
– Raziskovalci: Aleš Završnik